What tests are needed and how to determine the cause of hair loss – find the answer in our article.
Trichologist’s opinion
How do you know if your hair is falling out? Daily hair loss is a normal physiological phenomenon. It should be noted that up to a hundred hairs fall out in one day. At first glance, this phenomenon seems insignificant. But on average, a person has about 120,000 hair strands. The hair that falls out and new hair grows (pushing out old dead hairs) does not change the density of the hair. Most often, we notice hair loss when combing and washing – this is normal. If you notice hair loss, increased hair loss, a large number of hair strands on the head, and 20 to 30 hair strands remain in your hand when you gently pull the hair strands, you should suspect a problem and talk to your doctor.
Alopecia is diagnosed by a trichologist based on a combination of medical history and test results, including a trichometer (a special device that can be used to assess the condition of the scalp, hair follicles, count the number of hairs per square centimeter, and assess where they are in the growth phase). There are many types of hair loss and different causes, which can be due to hormonal imbalance, genetics, stress, autoimmune diseases, etc. It is important to have a doctor identify the cause and prescribe the right treatment – the sooner you get better.
To prevent hair loss, I first recommend a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, regular sleep and rest, and controlling stress. It is important to have enough iron in the body. It is important to avoid a lack of protein in the diet. The low-fat diet that was popular at the time caused hair loss due to changes in hormone levels.
In addition to the above, it is also important not to damage your hair when styling. Avoid exposure to high temperatures and blow-dry gently with warm air. When choosing a comb, pay attention to the shape of the teeth: they should not be sharp so as not to damage the hair structure. It is better to choose a comb with rounded teeth – as if you were giving a gentle massage to the scalp and improving blood circulation. As for the length of hair, it is determined by genes – that is, if you do not have long hair, then it will not reach your waist. In this case, you need to pay attention to the quality of your hair, to maintain its structure and shine.
The opinion of an endocrinologist
There are many reasons for hair loss, but the main ones that should be noted are:
Deficiency of iron and trace elements (iodine, selenium, zinc, copper).
- Thyroid disease.
- Cancers associated with an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone.
- Lack of protein as an important building block for hormones, hormones and receptors (this is especially important for vegetarians!).
- Depression and stress (including chronic).
- Adrenal gland dysfunction.
- Lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3) in the diet.
To determine the cause of hair loss, you should contact a qualified specialist who can conduct the necessary tests, correctly interpret the results and select the appropriate dosage of a particular drug. Individually selected treatments under the supervision of a specialist can produce good results.
Typically, your doctor will perform the following tests:
- a complete blood count.
- Analysis of thyroid hormones: TSH, free T3, free T4.
- Analysis of vitamin D25-OH.
- Measurement of iron metabolism parameters: serum iron, TIBC, transferrin, ferritin, B12, B9 (folic acid).
- Measurement of prolactin levels.
- Determination of zinc concentration.
- Standard blood chemistry.
- Other hormonal check-ups should be individually scheduled by an endocrinologist.
Vitamins play an important role. Vitamins A (retinol) and B complex are the main contributors to strengthening hair and improving its overall condition. Remember that you must first undergo tests that show that you are deficient in these substances (otherwise, you will be severely depleted of vitamins, which can lead to other problems!). A balanced diet can also improve the condition of your hair. For example, carrots, cabbage, apricots, and beef liver are rich in vitamin A. Look for B complex vitamins (B2, B5, B6, B8, B9) in nuts, fruits, and berries (such as raspberries).