How to motivate children to learn

Children’s lack of interest in learning is a problem that many parents face. An online school teacher talks about what to do.

Why don’t children want to learn?

The desire to learn is different and varied: today a child likes geography, tomorrow he will be interested only in computer games and comics. The main advice for parents is not to waste time when a primary school student loses interest in learning and try to find out why this is so. Sometimes, a heart-to-heart talk is enough, but in others you can’t do it without the help of a teacher or psychologist. But simply eliminating the cause will motivate children to learn.

Reasons why you don’t want to learn:
Fear of making mistakes. When a child doesn’t understand a topic and is afraid to tell adults about it, he or she may develop a fear of not being able to cope, solve problems, and answer questions in class, of not being appreciated by teachers and parents, and in some cases. , being punished;
Difficulty in social adjustment. If a child cannot adapt to a new group and make friends, he or she may become isolated and excluded from school – and therefore may not want to go there. If the child is the subject of teasing and bullying from peers, this is another reason for misunderstanding;
Lack of communication with teachers. For children with behavioral and academic problems, it is common to hear bad words or high-pitched voices.

The teacher may not understand what happened, and the student may begin to fear the teacher and the lesson.
The family environment is not good. Children often take the blame for their parents’ arguments and bad behavior. Due to family problems, children become withdrawn and have difficulty paying attention in class. Relatives have high expectations. It is not good for your child to be a good student while using them to fulfill your unfulfilled dreams.

Too much pressure and not paying attention to the child’s interests and abilities can lead to fear and a loss of interest in learning.

How do you make children want to learn?

Motivation can be external or internal. Extrinsic motivation is the rewards that students receive for academic excellence: awards and benefits for students, praise and gifts from parents. Intrinsic motivation comes from enthusiasm, a genuine desire to learn as much as possible, and a broadening of perspective.

Be careful with extrinsic motivation: it can change goals. A child may work not to gain knowledge, but to get a reward. Therefore, the best solution is to develop both intrinsic motivation and the necessary extrinsic motivation. How to do this? Here are some ideas.

Support his hobby
Every child has an advantage. It is the parent’s job to understand. If today he likes physics, tomorrow he likes history because he suddenly wants to be an archaeologist, do not scold the child and call him stupid. The process of finding yourself is natural. Instead, be happy for the interests of the young.

If possible, try to share your child’s interests: watching feature films, reading, going to museums, exhibitions, discussing what you have read and seen. This will help you connect with them and show them that you are listening.

Set achievable goals
Good work, high-value goals – these are good goals for those who have graduated, but not for students in middle school or high school. Set goals based on your child’s age. First, this goal will be easier for him, and second, achieving it will motivate him to move forward. If the efforts do not achieve results, the child will not give up.

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