Do multivitamins help? If the quality of nails and hair decreases, what tests should be done? Endocrinologists answer.
The quality of your nails directly depends on the protein content and calcium concentration in your body. For most patients with soft, brittle nails that break easily, we recommend eating foods rich in calcium, such as sesame seeds—the best source of calcium. However, it should be noted that sesame seeds should be thoroughly roasted before use, or chewed thoroughly when used, as this can affect the absorption of the elements contained in them.
Often, white lines appear on the nail plate, indicating a deficiency of iron and zinc. In general, the key to healthy nails is a combination of protein, calcium, zinc, and iron.
If you suspect that the quality of your nails and hair has significantly deteriorated, a general blood test is necessary, with tests for ferritin, calcium, zinc, copper, TSH, and vitamin D. It is recommended because, for example, in the absence of estrogen, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is significantly reduced. As for special vitamin complexes, they usually contain vitamins and trace elements in small quantities and do not solve the problem of deficiency. In addition, many ingredients in dietary supplements are difficult to absorb. It is better to take vitamins and minerals as prescribed by your doctor. The doctor will find out the problem and solve it.