Should you wash up right after a workout at the gym?

Some folks can’t stand the idea of putting on clean clothes over their sweaty bodies, while others prefer to drive home and shower in their own tub.

The truth is, there’s no official rule about whether you need to shower right after working out, or what might happen if you skip it. So, let’s break down if it’s really a big deal to wait before washing up and if showering at the gym has any perks beyond just feeling fresh.

Can you catch something at the gym if you don’t wash?

Gyms are packed with people who have all sorts of hygiene habits, touching machines and equipment, and leaving sweat on benches and mats. This creates a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, which are everywhere.

Most of the germs found are just normal stuff that lives on our skin, but there are some bad ones too, like Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus, mostly hanging out on cardio machine handles, dumbbells, and toilet handles.

Since bacteria can stick around on surfaces for a while, it’s easy to pick up germs from lying on a public mat or using gym equipment. But it’s hard to say how likely you are to actually get sick from these germs. Plus, a regular shower probably won’t wash them away completely.

Also, it’s a myth that sweating or leaving sweat on your skin raises your chances of skin infections. In fact, one study found that Staphylococcus aureus doesn’t thrive in sweaty conditions because it messes with the skin’s salt levels and pH.

Interestingly, our sweat has some antimicrobial properties that can help fight off certain bacteria and fungi. So while sweat isn’t a miracle cure, it’s not harmful either.

Most of the time, you’re touching gym equipment with your hands, so just washing your hands well with soap can really help. If you’re worried about germs, you can always use a clean towel on benches, wear clothes that cover your skin, and wash them after each gym visit.

Will skipping a shower give you pimples?

The American Academy of Dermatology suggests washing off acne-causing bacteria after a workout. But acne isn’t just about dirt or hygiene; it mostly happens under the skin, so showering doesn’t really change how bad it gets. In fact, waiting an hour or two to shower might be just fine for your skin.

Is showering at the gym risky?

You could catch a fungus that causes athlete’s foot in public showers, which can be pretty annoying. It spreads through contact, so it’s best not to walk around barefoot in locker rooms or showers. Wearing flip-flops can help keep you safe.

You might also hear that you should wait 20-30 minutes after working out before showering to let your body cool down. But it’s not super clear why that’s necessary. Maybe it’s to avoid sweating again after you shower.

When it comes to your workout, cooling down your muscles right after isn’t ideal for muscle growth. But a warm shower or a quick rinse won’t really cool your muscles down that much, so feel free to hop in the shower right after your workout—just remember those flip-flops!

So, what’s the takeaway?

Whether you shower right after your workout or wait until you get home doesn’t really matter. Neither option will increase your risk of infection, harm your skin, or mess with your workout gains.

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