7 Breakup Blunders to Avoid

Breaking up is tough, and some ways to do it can make things way worse. Unless you’re in an abusive situation, where you need to get out fast, it’s best to steer clear of these moves.

  1. Just Ghosting
    There are only a few legit reasons to just disappear, like if you’re stuck on a deserted island or can’t communicate at all. Otherwise, it’s just cruel. Your partner deserves to know what’s going on instead of being left in the dark, wondering if you’ve just lost interest. A little explanation goes a long way in helping them move on.
  2. Texting or Messaging
    Breaking up over text? Major no-no. It’s way more respectful to do it face-to-face. Your partner deserves the chance to ask questions and get some closure, not just a cold message that leaves them reeling.
  3. Getting Someone Else to Do It
    Unless you’re in kindergarten, asking someone else to break up for you is just weird. It’s like sending a text through a middleman. Just own up to it and do it yourself.
  4. Going Public
    Announcing your breakup in front of others? That’s just brutal. Breaking up is already hard enough without adding public embarrassment to the mix. Give your partner some space to process things privately first.
  5. Being a Jerk to Get Dumped
    Some people act out just to get the other person to break up with them. That’s just unfair. Both sides hurt when a relationship ends, so it’s better to have an honest conversation instead of dragging things out with bad behavior.
  6. Playing Mind Games
    Once you’ve decided to break up, don’t keep bringing up the good times or acting jealous of their future dates. It just confuses things. Give each other space to heal and move on.
  7. Pointing Fingers
    It’s easy to blame your partner when you’re feeling guilty about the breakup. But relationships are usually a mix of both people’s issues. Instead of throwing accusations around, take a step back and recognize that it’s not all one person’s fault.

Breaking up is never fun, but handling it with respect can make it a little easier for both of you.

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