Tips To Manage Stress & Relationships With Children

With so much of work to do in so little time, it becomes difficult for you to manage relationship with your children. They feel your absence and hence to gives rise to plenty of stress. Nobody wants to have a stressful period with their children. You have got to better your relationship with your children to reduce the amount of stress. We some life saving tips for you to manage stress and relationship with children:

1. Do not over schedule: as we mentioned earlier, we have so much to do in so little time, therefore, it becomes apparent that we will over schedule things. It’s better to plan one thing at a time. If you do not cull out time for your family and kids, it is inevitable to stop having stress with regards to your relationship with them.

2. There should be a playtime: you must set Sundays and early mornings free to have a game of basketball or tennis with your kids. When you play with them you come close to them and the stressful part is reduced.

3. Never ignore sleep: sleeping is very important for your body, brains and mind. Improper sleep leads to tension and stress. See that both you and your kids are having ample sleep.

4. Do not bring your stress in their life, you might have a lot of work overload, but make sure your stress does not affect your children’s life. Maintain a barrier.

5. Exercise together: mornings are best when you have some “me time” with your family. It is better to exercise with your family in the morning. It’s healthy for both your relationships and body.

6. Teach your kids how to deal with mistakes. Mistakes lead to loss of self esteem and hence depression and anxiety. Teach your kids how to deal with mistakes and failures. If they can handle them thy will also be able to handle relationships well.

7. Set up a support system of family and friends: if you are a single parent, it’s wise for you to have a support system of family and friends. When you go out for work, they will handle your kids. You will then be able to concentrate on both your worlds.

8. Your kids are after all kids: you are their parents and they are your kids. Understand that they are still very small to understand the demand of life. Treat them as kids and expect them to stay as kids.

9. Have time for yourself: do not forget to pamper yourself, pampering your own self will help you deal with stress very effectively. Make yourself feel special.

10. Lastly, kill negativity with positivity. Do not tend to think negatively about life, think positively. If you think positively things will automatically workout. Enjoy your life!

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