Ways to effectively balance work and home

Being a woman is an attitude in itself. A woman plays different parts or roles in her life. She is a daughter, a friend, a wife, a mother, a professional or businesswoman and yes her own self. Life is never so easy; there are great demands and challenges. A modern woman has to look after her family and at the same time make sure her work is not hampered. Here are some tips to help the modern woman to effectively balance her work and home life.  

1. Home work at home: What we mean here is that try and do more of the household chores when you are at home. Office work should be done in office only, unless it is very urgent. Let everyone feel your presence at home.

2. Make a point to cook at least one meal: Your family would love to eat food that you have cooked. If you feel very tired after coming back from work then why not make a light breakfast for your loved ones.

3. Dedicate your Sundays: Sunday is that day of the week when you get a break from the office, give your Sunday to your family. Spend time with them, go out, cook food, play a game or two. 

4. Finding a flexible job: You must try getting a flexible job. A job which suits your need. A job which doesn’t restrict you. There might be times when you will have to go home early, so look for a flexible job. 

5. Take a break from work: Taking a break once or twice a year from your work is not a problem. Go out for a short vacation with your family and friends.

6. Prioritize the most important things: Sometimes your work might be your priority, no problem do it, at times your family would be your priority, never choose work over your family then. After all you are working for your family’s welfare only.

7. Your kids are the most important part of your life: No matter what, but always give your children your time and care. Do their homework with them, always visit their school events, take them to activity centers. Love them..

8. Do not forget your promise: Remember what promises you made to your husband when you got married. He should get all your love, attention and care. You must help him with his work and other stuff..

9. Have dinner together: When you come back home from work, have dinner with your family. Having food together increases love between everyone..

10. Lastly, if possible work from home (if things look very tight), you have a old in laws, a busy husband and growing kids to loom after, then it would be better if you work from home. You can stay connected to them any time.

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