Parenting as a team: Why it matters


  • Raising your child as a group benefits both you and your child.
  • Co-parenting involves problem-solving, conflict management, talking, listening, supporting and accepting each other.
  • Whether you’re raising children as a couple or after a separation, it’s important to raise your children as a team.
  • If you’re finding integration difficult, relationship counselling can help.

About raising children as a group
Team parenting involves working together, agreeing on co-parenting, making decisions together and supporting each other. This is about agreeing on things like family routines, food, and traditions. If you’re part of a couple, you and your partner should share the responsibilities of running the household, which can include chores, paying the bills, keeping records, earning money, and more. It’s about taking care of each other and your children, and making sure everyone has time to do the things they love.

Why is it important to parent your children as a team?
The way you interact with your partner or co-parent can have a big impact on your children.

For example, when parents see themselves as a team and work together, children feel safe and secure. They learn about relationships and relationships. This is important for children’s emotional development.

Raising your children with your spouse or co-parent can be beneficial for you too. When you work as a team, you will be happier, more confident, and enjoy parenting and family life. You can enjoy spending time with your family more easily.

Parenting Teamwork Tips
With time and practice, parenting as a team gets easier. Here are some tips to help you with your parenting group:

  • Problem Solving – This means finding new, creative solutions when you’re stuck or struggling to resolve family issues.
  • Managing Conflict – This means managing and resolving conflict in a collaborative and positive way.
  • Talk and Listen – This means communicating in ways that help you connect, strengthen your relationship, and understand each other.
  • Support Each Other – This means raising your children in a supportive and caring environment. Accept each other – This means accepting and valuing each other’s differences.

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