Sex in old age helps keep brains young

Getting involved in sex as you age may help keep your brains young.

Sex and health information
Researchers found that adults who had sex at least once a week scored higher on intelligence tests than those who hadn’t had sex in the past year. Specifically, those ages 62 to 74 who reported having a “happy and satisfying” sex life were more likely to have sex five years later than their peers who didn’t. Why Sexuality not only contributes to marital happiness, but also helps preserve youth. Because people who do yoga regularly have less stress, and stress is the enemy of staying healthy. It actually prevents the formation of new neurons in the hippocampus, the area of the brain associated with memory.

Dopamine release
Sexual pleasure causes our body to release large amounts of dopamine; dopamine is an important neurotransmitter of the catecholamine family. It is a neurotransmitter for neurons that play a role in many processes in the central and peripheral nervous system. If you want to keep your brain healthy, you know what to do…

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